Tag Archives: world oceans day

Get Set for World Ocean Day Australia 2024

World Ocean Day Australia

Every year on June 8th, the global community comes together to celebrate World Ocean Day and focus on the vital importance of our oceans. In 2024, the significance of this day resonates more deeply than ever before. So, it’s key that we educate our young people about the pivotal role of our oceans in sustaining life on Earth and make them aware of the challenges the ocean is facing. But how do we do that in a way that gives them hope and inspires them to want to learn more and take positive action to make a difference? Here are some great ideas to help you keep young minds optimistic as we get set for World Ocean Day Australia 2024.

World Ocean DayLet’s Talk about some Good News for a Start…

The good news is that there is a lot of great work being done to make a positive difference to the health of the ocean, such as the Ocean Cleanups Epic Win (see below).

And the other good news is that we have lots of engaging ideas for educating children in a fun manner so that they feel hopeful about the future.

the ocean clean upPositive News: The Ocean Cleanup’s Epic Win!

Great news for fellow ocean warriors! The Ocean Cleanup just hit a mega milestone in the battle against ocean plastic! They’ve managed to scoop out a whopping 220 tonnes of plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and fished out over 6,000 kilograms of plastic in just one go!

With these impressive efforts it’s no wonder it’s the largest clean up in history.

So, what is this  garbage patch? It’s basically like a massive floating dump, bobbing about between California and Hawaii and covering an area three times bigger than France!

And the Ocean Cleanup crew is stepping up efforts in 2024 and aim to clean up 90% of floating ocean plastic pollution.

Click link below to find out more.

And let’s talk about the difference each individual can make

One person can make a significant difference to the health and well-being of the ocean through their actions and choices. Here are several ways an individual can positively impact the ocean on World Ocean Day 2024 in Australia.

Reduce Plastic Use: By minimizing the use of single-use plastics such as bags, bottles, and straws, individuals can help prevent plastic pollution from entering the ocean.

Proper Disposal: Ensuring that waste is disposed of properly and recycled when possible prevents litter from ending up in waterways and eventually reaching the ocean.

Participate in Beach Cleanups: Joining or organizing beach cleanups helps remove trash and debris from coastal areas, preventing it from harming marine life.

Conserve Water: Conserving water at home reduces the amount of wastewater and pollutants that flow into rivers and eventually reach the ocean.

Choose Sustainable Seafood: Opting for sustainably sourced seafood helps reduce overfishing and supports fisheries that prioritize environmental conservation.

Educate Others: Sharing knowledge about ocean conservation and raising awareness about the importance of protecting marine ecosystems can inspire others to take action.

Support Conservation Efforts: Contributing to organizations and initiatives dedicated to ocean conservation helps fund research, advocacy, and restoration projects.

While the actions of one person may seem small, collective efforts can lead to significant positive changes for the ocean and its inhabitants. Every individual has the power to make a difference and contribute to the preservation of our planet’s most vital resource.

And how about…

Checking out the World Ocean Day for Schools ( 7 June 2024) official website and resources.

Or Why Not…

Book an educational incursion or excursion with one of our inspired Ocean Life Education team – click here to explore our programs.

Ocean Life Education’s World Ocean Day Blogs – featuring Activities & Resources

About Ocean Life Education

We visit centres for all with our lively team of marine animals, including Early Years, Primary & Secondary Schools, and Vacation Care settings. We also host events and excusions. All programs are tailored to your needs and delivered by qualified marine educators. Our aim is to to engage children to want to learn more about the ocean and to feel a duty to protect it..

Here are some resources you might find useful…

World Ocean Day for Schools

World Ocean Day Website & Downloadable posters

The Ocean Cleanup

Here’s a link to our other news

School’s Guide to Key Ocean Events in 2024

Ocean Events 2024


In a world where environmental concerns are taking center stage, we see it as our duty to captivate and enlighten young minds about the critical significance of the ocean. Our aim is to instill in them a profound understanding of why the ocean is vital to all of us and to inspire them to want to take an interest in it as something that is precious and needs to be cherished.  We believe that the best way to do that is to make learning engaging and fun. What better way to do that than to focus on topical ocean events that happen throughout the year? So, here is our School’s Guide to Key Ocean Events in 2024…


World Ocean Day UN Decade of Ocean Science 2021-2030

The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) is a global initiative aimed at promoting international cooperation and collaboration in ocean science to achieve sustainable development goals.

The decade focuses on enhancing scientific knowledge of the ocean, developing innovative technologies, and fostering partnerships to address the challenges facing the ocean and coastal areas. The overarching goal is to ensure a healthy and resilient ocean that can support current and future generations.

Vision: To deliver the ‘science needed for the future we want’


  • A clean ocean where sources of pollution are identified and reduced or removed
  • A healthy and resilient ocean where marine ecosystems are understood, protected, restored and managed.

UN Video   Offical site

World Whale Day 2024World Whale Day: 18 February 2024

In 1980, World Whale Day originated in Maui, Hawaii, with a focus on raising awareness about the challenges faced by whales in oceans worldwide. Annually observed on the third Sunday of February, this special day is dedicated to celebrating all aspects of whales and emphasizing the importance of their well-being. Useful info and resources.


Clean Up Australia DayClean Up Australia Day 2024, 3 March

Clean Up Australia inspires and empowers communities to clean up, fix up and conserve our environment. Find out more



SeaWeek 2024SeaWeek 2024, 2-10 March

Australia’s national public awareness initiative aims to spotlight community awareness, inform, and foster an appreciation for the sea. This week-long annual event provides an excellent platform to advocate for educational matters regarding the marine environment. The theme for this year centers around Ocean Literacy Principle 2: The ocean and life within it significantly influence the Earth’s features.

It focuses on our relationship with the natural world and the fact that healthy seas mean healthy people and calls on all of us to take some responsibility for the health and well-being of our coastal and marine environments. More info.

UN Ocean Decade Conference, Spain. April 10-12 2024UN Ocean Conference 2024

Three years after the initiation of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), this worldwide conference is scheduled to unite the Ocean Decade community and its partners. The event aims to commemorate accomplishments and collaboratively establish future priorities for advancing the goals of the Decade. More info


World Ocean Day 2024World Oceans Day: 8 June 2024

The focal point of the 2024 United Nations World Oceans Day is ” Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean & Climate.” The annual day seeks to renewd enthusiasm for the conservation and protection of the ocean and our vast blue planet as a whole. Official Guide  Activity ideas for schools


World Sea Turtle Day: 16 June 2024

World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated on 16 June annually as it is the birthday of Dr. Archie Carr, the so-called “father of sea turtle biology.”  His research highlighted the plight of sea turtles and drove community support to protect them and celebrate them annually on World Sea Turtle Day. Turtle facts


Plastic Free July 2024Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is a global movement that encourages individuals, communities, and businesses to reduce their plastic usage during the month of July. The initiative aims to raise awareness about the environmental impact of single-use plastics and inspire people to make conscious efforts to minimize their plastic consumption.

Participants in Plastic Free July commit to avoiding the use of single-use plastics such as plastic bags, bottles, straws, and packaging for the entire month. The campaign provides resources, tips, and challenges to help individuals make sustainable choices, adopt plastic-free habits, and contribute to reducing plastic pollution.

Shark Awareness Day: 14 July 2024

Sharks get a huge amount of bad press, yet on average one person is killed by a shark in Australia each year and heaps more are killed by horses and cows!! Without sharks in Australian waters, many ecosystems would not be sustainable, and we would be denied the pleasure of exploring amazing underwater habitats such as the world’s largest natural wonder, Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef. The impact on tourism and economies would be huge. Shark Awareness Day aims to separate fact from myth and promote a positive image for these amazing creatures. Shark resources.

Coastcare Week 2024

Coastcare comprises volunteers from Australia who are passionate about safeguarding our remarkable coastal and marine environments. These individuals unite as one, forming a formidable force of 500 groups across Australia. Together, these groups actively contribute to making a substantial impact through sustained, practical solutions to address environmental issues in their respective localities. Coastcare Week serves as an annual campaign dedicated to celebrating the remarkable efforts of these community groups throughout Australia. The theme for National Volunteer Week 2024 is ‘Something for Everyone’. More info

Check out our Annual Events Calendar for even more great reasons to celebrate the ocean in 2024.

Bring Learning to Life With A Live Marine Animal Program

Why not book in an Ocean Life Education program to compliment your teaching and bring it all to life. All programs are delivered by qualified Marine Educators with a passion for the ocean. They provide a lively, fun, and interactive experience with our live marine animals and are designed to educate and inspire schools and community to protect our precious marine environment.

We hoped you enjoyed reading our School’s Guide to Key Ocean Events in 2024!

Here’s a link to our other news

Celebrate World Ocean Day 2023 at School

What is World Ocean Day?

World Ocean Day is an annual event to highlight issues affecting our oceans. It is on a mission to deepen understanding of our relationship with the ocean and inspire action to protect it. Why not celebrate World Ocean Day at school by organising an event or activity. See below for some great ideas to get your centre or school involved at celebrate World Ocean Day with us.

What is the Theme of World Ocean Day 2023?

The World Ocean Day 2023 Conservation Action Focus is Protect at least 30% of our blue planet by 2030

When is World Ocean Day 2023?

World Ocean Day 2023 will be held worldwide on 8 June 2023. World Ocean Day is celebrated annually on 8 June.

 Why Celebrate World Ocean Day at School?

Our ocean connects us all and we are all responsible for them, so it makes sense for us all to unite our efforts and join together with friends, community and family to celebrate the world’s oceans and help highlight issues affecting them, so that we can protect them for the future. Celebrate World Ocean Day at school by planning inspirational ocean themed activities.

How Can Schools Celebrate World Ocean Day Australia 2023?

As World Ocean Day Australia is powered by The Youth Advisory Council, it is the perfect opportunity for schools to focus student’s attention on the ocean while being led by inspirational youth role models.

There are many ways that schools can celebrate World Ocean Day Australia 2023. Here are some great activities and ideas to get you started.

**Keep a plastic diaryfor a day – pledge to refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle.

**Plastic Ocean Life Cycle Activity

**Teach curriculum themes through ocean activities: habitats, life cycles, adaptation, classification, human impact using our Free Primary Resources:

**Students do an online shark’s courseand receive a personalised certificate ($20 per student – free trial and group discounts available)online shark course

**Organize a beach clean or a visit to a local beach – and maybe pick up some litter.

**Fundraise to support a local coast care charity e.g., Coolum Coast Care, Ocean Crusaders, Sea Shepherd

Blog: 20 Ideas for Celebrating the Ocean in 2023

How Early Learning Centres Can Celebrate World Ocean Day Australia 2023

There are heaps of creative ways that early learning centres can celebrate World Ocean’s Day Australia. Here are our top picks:

  1. Decorate your classroom or childcare setting – Check out our FREE early learning resources
  2. Book an ocean-focused incursion or excursion
  3. Host an ocean themed colouring or drawing competition

Involve your centre or school by checking out the World Ocean Day Website         

Check out our Blogs for further information on how you can celebrate World Oceans Day…

Guide to Teaching Ocean Literacy

How Can I Protect the Ocean

10 Reasons Why We Depend on Our Oceans

World Oceans Day Website

How to Inspire Students to Protect the Ocean in 2021


As environmental concerns gain increasing attention in the media, it is our responsibility to engage and educate children to ensure that they understand why the ocean is so important to us all and to inspire them to want to protect it. In the words of oceans’ pioneer Jacques Cousteau, “People protect what they love”.

So, here’s our pick of the key ocean events that we think will inspire students of all ages to want to protect the ocean in 2021.


SeaWeek Australia: 6 – 14 March 2021

2021 theme: The Ocean and Humans are Inextricably Interconnected

SeaWeek Australia is an annual major public awareness campaign which aims to educate and encourage appreciation of the sea. SeaWeek is a great opportunity to increase focus on the deeply woven relationship we have with the ocean and how our survival is underpinned by the health of our oceans.

Involve your school:          www.aaee.org.au/events/seaweek

More info:          www.oceanlifeeducation.com.au/celebrate-seaweek-australia/


World Oceans Day: 8 June 2021

2021 theme: The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods

World Oceans Day 2021 is on a mission to deepen understanding of our relationship with the ocean and inspire action to protect it. This year the focus is on how the ocean is our life-source and supports humanity and every other organism on Earth. The focus is on key issues such as plastic pollution, rising water temperatures, overfishing, sewage dumps and other factors impacting the ocean’s ability to thrive as it should.

Involve your school:          worldoceanday.school


 World Whale Day: 20 February 2021

World Whale Day began in 1980 in Maui, Hawaii. It’s all about reminding us of the challenges whales face oceans across the globe. Observed annually on the third Sunday in February, World Whale Day celebrates everything about whales.

Involve your school:          www.wilderness.org.au/happy-world-whale-day


More info: https://www.oceanlifeeducation.com.au/annual-humpback-whale-migration-east-coast-australia/


World Sea Turtle Day: 16 June 2021

World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated on 16 June annually as it is the birthday of Dr. Archie Carr, the so-called “father of sea turtle biology.”  His research highlighted the plight of sea turtles and drove community support to protect them and celebrate them annually on World Sea Turtle Day.



Involve your school:          conserveturtles.org/june-16th-is-world-sea-turtle-day/


Shark Awareness Day: 14 July 2021

Sharks get a huge amount of bad press, yet on average one person is killed by a shark in Australia each year and heaps more are killed by horses and cows!! Without sharks in Australian waters, many ecosystems would not be sustainable, and we would be denied the pleasure of exploring amazing underwater habitats such as the world’s largest natural wonder, Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef. The impact on tourism and economies would be huge. Shark Awareness Day aims to separate fact from myth and promote a positive image for these amazing creatures.

Involve your school:          www.sharktrust.org/blog/shark-awareness-day

More info: https://www.oceanlifeeducation.com.au/ultimate-sharks-facts/


Check out our Annual Events Calendar for even more great reasons to celebrate the ocean in 2021.



Lock in the Dates!

Remember to lock in the dates and get planning so you can make the most of these ocean celebrations at your school. Little ripples make big waves!

Bring Learning to Life With A Live Marine Animal Program

Why not book in an Ocean Life Education program to compliment your teaching and bring it all to life. All programs are delivered by qualified Marine Educators with a passion for the ocean. They provide a lively, fun, and interactive experience with our live marine animals and are designed to educate and inspire schools and community to protect our precious marine environment.