Tag Archives: human impact

Get Set for World Ocean Day Australia 2024

World Ocean Day Australia

Every year on June 8th, the global community comes together to celebrate World Ocean Day and focus on the vital importance of our oceans. In 2024, the significance of this day resonates more deeply than ever before. So, it’s key that we educate our young people about the pivotal role of our oceans in sustaining life on Earth and make them aware of the challenges the ocean is facing. But how do we do that in a way that gives them hope and inspires them to want to learn more and take positive action to make a difference? Here are some great ideas to help you keep young minds optimistic as we get set for World Ocean Day Australia 2024.

World Ocean DayLet’s Talk about some Good News for a Start…

The good news is that there is a lot of great work being done to make a positive difference to the health of the ocean, such as the Ocean Cleanups Epic Win (see below).

And the other good news is that we have lots of engaging ideas for educating children in a fun manner so that they feel hopeful about the future.

the ocean clean upPositive News: The Ocean Cleanup’s Epic Win!

Great news for fellow ocean warriors! The Ocean Cleanup just hit a mega milestone in the battle against ocean plastic! They’ve managed to scoop out a whopping 220 tonnes of plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and fished out over 6,000 kilograms of plastic in just one go!

With these impressive efforts it’s no wonder it’s the largest clean up in history.

So, what is this  garbage patch? It’s basically like a massive floating dump, bobbing about between California and Hawaii and covering an area three times bigger than France!

And the Ocean Cleanup crew is stepping up efforts in 2024 and aim to clean up 90% of floating ocean plastic pollution.

Click link below to find out more.

And let’s talk about the difference each individual can make

One person can make a significant difference to the health and well-being of the ocean through their actions and choices. Here are several ways an individual can positively impact the ocean on World Ocean Day 2024 in Australia.

Reduce Plastic Use: By minimizing the use of single-use plastics such as bags, bottles, and straws, individuals can help prevent plastic pollution from entering the ocean.

Proper Disposal: Ensuring that waste is disposed of properly and recycled when possible prevents litter from ending up in waterways and eventually reaching the ocean.

Participate in Beach Cleanups: Joining or organizing beach cleanups helps remove trash and debris from coastal areas, preventing it from harming marine life.

Conserve Water: Conserving water at home reduces the amount of wastewater and pollutants that flow into rivers and eventually reach the ocean.

Choose Sustainable Seafood: Opting for sustainably sourced seafood helps reduce overfishing and supports fisheries that prioritize environmental conservation.

Educate Others: Sharing knowledge about ocean conservation and raising awareness about the importance of protecting marine ecosystems can inspire others to take action.

Support Conservation Efforts: Contributing to organizations and initiatives dedicated to ocean conservation helps fund research, advocacy, and restoration projects.

While the actions of one person may seem small, collective efforts can lead to significant positive changes for the ocean and its inhabitants. Every individual has the power to make a difference and contribute to the preservation of our planet’s most vital resource.

And how about…

Checking out the World Ocean Day for Schools ( 7 June 2024) official website and resources.

Or Why Not…

Book an educational incursion or excursion with one of our inspired Ocean Life Education team – click here to explore our programs.

Ocean Life Education’s World Ocean Day Blogs – featuring Activities & Resources

About Ocean Life Education

We visit centres for all with our lively team of marine animals, including Early Years, Primary & Secondary Schools, and Vacation Care settings. We also host events and excusions. All programs are tailored to your needs and delivered by qualified marine educators. Our aim is to to engage children to want to learn more about the ocean and to feel a duty to protect it..

Here are some resources you might find useful…

World Ocean Day for Schools

World Ocean Day Website & Downloadable posters

The Ocean Cleanup

Here’s a link to our other news

Human Impact Teaching Resources for Schools in Australia


In Australia, the unique biodiversity and fragile ecosystems make understanding human impact on the environment especially crucial. Teaching students about human impact not only fosters environmental awareness but also encourages responsible citizenship. To support educators in Australia in this task, a variety of teaching resources tailored to the local context are available. In this blog post, we will explore some valuable human impact teaching resources designed specifically for schools in Australia.

Why Teach About Human Impact in Australia?

Australia’s diverse landscapes, from the Great Barrier Reef to the Outback, are home to countless unique species and Great-Barrier-Reef- ecosystems. However, these environments are increasingly threatened by factors such as climate change, habitat destruction, and pollution. By educating students about human impact, we can empower them to appreciate and protect Australia’s natural heritage. This knowledge can inspire future generations to make eco-friendly choices and advocate for environmental conservation.

Top Human Impact Teaching Resources for Australian Schools

1. Educational Websites

Cool Australia

Description: Cool Australia offers a wide range of free educational resources, including lesson plans, videos, and interactive activities focused on sustainability and environmental conservation.

Features: Curriculum-aligned content, teacher guides, and resources that highlight Australian-specific environmental issues.

Eco Warriors

Description: Eco Warriors provides engaging online resources, games, and activities designed to educate primary school students about environmental stewardship.

Features: Interactive learning modules, printable worksheets, and multimedia resources with an Australian context.

National Geographic Kids Kids Nat Geo

Description: National Geographic Kids offers a range of articles, videos, and interactive activities that explore environmental issues and human impact.

Features: Engaging content, quizzes, and classroom resources suitable for primary school students.


“The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss 

Description: This classic children’s book explores the consequences of environmental destruction in a whimsical and memorable way.

Features: Engaging storytelling, vibrant illustrations, and valuable lessons about conservation and stewardship. The Lorax

“The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rainforest” by Lynne Cherry

Description: This beautifully illustrated book introduces students to the concept of deforestation and its impact on rainforest ecosystems, providing a global perspective on human impact.

Features: Rich illustrations, a compelling narrative, and themes that resonate with Australian environmental issues.

“Possum Magic” by Mem Fox

Description: While not strictly an environmental book, “Possum Magic” celebrates Australian wildlife and landscapes, making it a great starting point for discussing human impact.

Features: Charming illustrations, a captivating storyline, and opportunities to explore themes of conservation and biodiversity.

“One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of the Gambia” by Miranda Paul

Description: This inspiring true story introduces students to the concept of recycling and the importance of community One Plastic Bag involvement in environmental conservation.

Features: Beautiful illustrations, a compelling narrative, and themes of empowerment and sustainability.

Interactive Workshops and Programs

Ocean Life Education

Description: Inspirational hands on learning with live marine animals and knowledgeable marine educators delivering engaging incursions and excursions throughout SE Queensland and northern NSW. Based on the Australian curriculum or tailored to special interests.

Features: a diverse range of live marine animals, artifacts and resources.

Kids Teaching Kids

Description: Kids Teaching Kids is a national education initiative that empowers students to become environmental leaders through peer-to-peer learning and collaborative projects.

Features: Student-led workshops, environmental action projects, and opportunities for schools to connect and share ideas across Australia.

Earthwatch Australia

Description: Earthwatch Australia offers immersive citizen science programs that allow students to participate in hands-on research projects focused on local environmental issues.

Features: Field-based learning experiences, expert-led expeditions, and curriculum-aligned resources that encourage scientific Kids Teaching Kids inquiry and environmental advocacy.

Curriculum Guides

Ocean Life Education

Description: Inspirational hands on curriculum based programs complemented by resources, supporting schools and childcare settings to teaching curriculaum topics.

Learning with live marine animals and knowledgeable marine educators delivering engaging incursions and excursions throughout SE Queensland and northern NSW. Based on the Australian curriculum or tailored to special interests.

Features: Aligned with the Australian Curriculum, includes practical tools for implementing sustainability initiatives. Educators arrived with a diverse range of live marine animals, artifacts and resources and host events as well as incursions and excursions.

ResourceSmart Schools

Description: ResourceSmart Schools offers a comprehensive sustainability program with curriculum resources, professional development opportunities, and support for schools across Australia.

Features: Aligned with the Australian Curriculum, includes practical tools for implementing sustainability initiatives, and fosters whole-school engagement.

CERES Education

Description: CERES Education provides hands-on sustainability education programs, resources, and workshops tailored to Australian schools.

Features:Curriculum-linked activities, teacher guides, and student-led projects that promote environmental awareness and action.


Teaching primary school students about human impact in Australia is essential for nurturing a sense of environmental responsibility and stewardship. With the help of these tailored resources, educators can engage students in meaningful learning experiences that highlight the importance of conserving Australia’s unique ecosystems and biodiversity. By integrating these teaching tools into the curriculum, we can inspire young Australians to become informed and active participants in shaping a sustainable future for their country and the planet.

Our Programs

We will work with you to ensure that our programs are tailored to suit your needs.

Click here to learn about our inspirational programs.

Useful links

Here’s a link to our other news


Nurturing Ocean Stewards: Teaching Children About Human Impact on the Ocean


As educators, we hold a substantial responsibility to shape young minds and cultivate a sense of stewardship towards our planet. One of the most critical lessons we can impart is the understanding of human impact on the ocean. The ocean, covering more than 70% of our planet, is vital to our survival and well-being. By teaching children about the ways in which human activities affect the ocean, we empower them to become informed and responsible global citizens who actively contribute to ocean conservation efforts.

We love educating children (and adults) about the ocean and feel a duty to ensure that an environmental message is at the core of what we do. Click the link to watch our Human Impact video for schools and read on for useful ideas and resources to assist you as educators to plan your teaching about Human Impact on the Ocean….

Human Impact Curriculum Themed Incursions for Primary & High Schools

Human Impact Video

1. Exploring Ocean Ecosystems. Start by introducing your students to the wonders of ocean ecosystems. Dive into the diverse marine life, from coral reefs to kelp forests, and discuss the intricate relationships between species. Encourage them to think about the ocean as a complex web of life, where each organism plays a crucial role. Check out our free Habitats Resources and Programs for facts and activities. Our Humpback Whale Teaching Resources will help bring food webs to life ($30).


2. Our Connection – Human Activities and Ocean Impact.  Plastic Diary activityHelp children understand the connection between their daily actions and the health of the ocean. Discuss activities such as plastic consumption, waste disposal, and carbon emissions. Engage them in thought-provoking discussions about how seemingly small choices can have significant consequences for marine ecosystems. Get children involved with our Plastic Diary and other free activities.


3. Plastic Predicament: The Impact of Plastic Pollution. Dive deep into the issue of plastic pollution and its devastating effects on marine life. Share heartwarming success stories of communities coming together to clean up beaches and reduce plastic waste. Organize a beach cleanup or a plastic-free challenge to inspire hands-on action. Check out our blog to find out how to go about organising a beach clean on the Sunshine Coast.


4. Coral Compassion: Coral Reefs and Climate Change.  Beach Clean Sunshine CoastExplore the vibrant world of coral reefs and their vulnerability to climate change. Discuss coral bleaching and its connection to rising ocean temperatures. Encourage students to brainstorm ways to reduce their carbon footprint and advocate for sustainable practices. Download our free Habitats PDF fact sheet which include Coral Reef Habitat.


5. Guardians of the Sea: Empowering Future Ocean Stewards. Foster a sense of responsibility and empowerment in your students, many of whom live on the Queensland Coast and experience the ocean in their daily lives. Encourage them to be vocal advocates for ocean conservation by writing letters to local officials, creating awareness campaigns, or participating in community projects and beach cleans. Highlight inspiring stories of young activists who have made a difference, such as Gretta Thunberg. They may be interested in joining a volunteer conservation organisation like:


6. Creative Expression: Art and Literature for Ocean Awareness. Read stories about turtle hatchlings to younger years, such as lluka the Hybrid Hatchling and Trevy’s Tricky Day. Encourage children to create marine-themed artwork, write stories about ocean adventures, or poems about the ocean and how fragile it is.


Teaching children about the human impact on the ocean is a vital step towards securing a sustainable future for our planet. By instilling a deep appreciation for the ocean and nurturing a sense of responsibility, we equip our students with the tools they need to become compassionate stewards of the sea. Together, as educators and young minds, we can make a lasting difference and ensure that the ocean thrives for generations to come.


Ocean Life EducationWhy not book in one of our inspirational Ocean Life Education Programs or Events?

Discover our free Resources


OCEAN NEWS – Watching Queensland’s Humpback Migration

humpback whale migration map

This Month:

Celebrating Queensland’s Humpback Migration, FREE migration calendar, How whale poo fights climate change, Humpback fast facts, Teaching Human Impact, Out & About this month, Ocean Creature Feature. 

Woohoo!!!! The Humpbacks are Back

It’s that exciting time of year when humpback whales migrate up and down the Queensland coastline from the Antarctic to mate and give birth in warmer waters. The arrival of the whales is celebrated throughout East Coast Australia and we reckon it’s the greatest show on earth! Why not head down to the coast and join in the celebration?

Read our BLOG to find out when and where to see the Annual Humpback Migration on East Coast Australia and learn a whole lot more about it.

Click below for our downloadable FREE Humpback Migration Calendar (see foot of email)

the whale pump


How Whale Poo Fights Climate Change – The Whale Pump

As whales surface from deep dives to breathe and poo, they circulate huge amounts of nutrients from the sea floor. This process is called the “Whale Pump”.

The whale poo acts as an excellent fertiliser for ocean plants called phytoplankton. Phytoplankton is at the bottom of the food chain and is a very important primary producer (food source) for the marine ecosystem. It also removes millions of tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere and produces huge amounts of oxygen.

These tiny organisms (phytoplankton) absorb one-third of the carbon dioxide humans breathe out. They also produce half of the planet’s oxygen. So, as you can see, keeping this process working and our oceans healthy is crucial to our survival!

During long migrations, such as the one currently taking place off the East Coast of Australia, whales travel from nutrient-rich areas to nutrient-poor areas. This journey transports essential nutrients across the ocean in a process known as the “Great Whale Conveyor Belt”. So, whale migration has a big impact on the health of our oceans too.

Over 20,000 humpback whales are traveling up our coast right now! This is an amazing opportunity to teach students curriculum topics using an iconic, local theme. What better way to bring learning to life than to host an Ocean Life Education incursion at your school, then take a trip out to watch the amazing spectacle happening firsthand here in Queensland?

Programs & Free Resources


humpback fast facts

Humpbacks Course & Resources


Want to learn more about Australia’s iconic humpback whales?Check out our online course and teaching resources. – Both contain awesome videos, infographics, maps, fast facts, quizzes, and more!

Our Programs: Teaching Human Impact

Our Human Impact program  ‘The Earth Under Threat’ aims to educate and inspire children to want to learn more and protect our oceans.


  • Learn what humans do can harm the marine environment
  • Identify how changes to the marine environment; like weather patterns, land clearing, over-fishing, and pollution, affect it, its creatures, and us
  • Realise individuals can make a difference in caring for the marine environment and the need for all humans to accept personal responsibility for protecting it

To find out more, click HERE

Key dates coming up:

September 2022

4th  – National Wildlife Day

7th  – Threatened Species Day

18th – World Clean Up Day

17th – Int. Coastal Cleanup Day

17th – World Manta Day

18th – Sea Otter Awareness Week

24th – Fish Amnesty Day


Support a whale charity:

Whale & Dolphin Conservation
Marine Conservation
Sea Shepherd
Humpbacks & Highrises