Summer is rapidly approaching and more people will be heading to our magnificent coastal regions to enjoy a dip in the ocean. But while you’re diving the waves this summer, will you have a small worry in the back of your mind? Cue cliche shark music…da dum…da dum…
At Ocean Life Education, we love to educate the public about safety in the water, especially concerning sharks.
There’s been much discussion around sharks recently following several incidents with surfers at popular Eastern beaches. We thought this was a great time to team up with Channel 10’s Totally Wild to clear up some common misconceptions.
This week, we headed to the beach with Totally Wild to film a segment on why people encounter sharks, why sharks make mistakes and how best to avoid contact with sharks. Our view is that the better educated the public is about sharks the better choices they’ll make, and therefore the safer they will be.
Sharks are important to the marine ecosystem, we need to learn to live with them and look after them, to maintain a healthy ocean.
Richard’s Safe Swimming Tips this Summer
- Don’t swim too early in the morning, too late in the afternoon or at night.
- Don’t swim in dark or murky water, especially near rivers or estuaries.
- Don’t swim at beaches near rivers after heavy rainfall.
- Don’t swim in areas where sharks are known to visit.
- Swim between the flags, where lifesavers are watching out. There is a reason for where they put the flags and when they open and close the beach.
- Understand sharks, be educated and mark responsible choices when and where to go into the water.
The Sunshine Coast Daily were aware of us filming the segment and thought the timing was right to put an article in last Tuesday’s paper to help spread the message.

Sunshine Coast Daily pg7 Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Read the full article on the Sunshine Coast Daily website.
The filming with Totally Wild went well and we will let you know when it’s going to air. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page.
My only reservation – the SC Daily could have used more touch up flare on the picture of yours truly in the paper!
Richard C.