Category Archives: Ocean Events

Plan your 2017 Science Week activities with Ocean Life

National Science Week logoNational Science Week is Australia’s largest celebration of science with over a million people participating in activities across the nation.

What are you planning for Science Week?

National Science Week this year is 12-20 August and provides an opportunity to encourage an interest in science pursuits and at Ocean Life Education, we just love inspiring young Australian’s to be fascinated by the natural world we live in.

This is what Science Week is all about!

Future Earth is the 2017 theme

This year, the theme for Science Week is Future Earth with a focus on Australia’s sustainability science and the issues that are unique to us.

Turtle Lady Elliot

The focus is to raise awareness of sustainability science and encourage positive actions that make a direct impact to a more sustainable future Earth

Australian Science Teachers Association

Connecting Sustainability to Science

During Science Week, there are more than 1000 events featured across the country but we prefer to make things easy for teachers, by bringing the sea to you!

Our hands-on interactive school programs are designed with direct links to the Australian Curriculum-Science and Cross-curriculum Priority of Sustainability from years P-7.

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you plan for Science Week!

Clayfield College students interacting with marine life

Clayfield College Students in Ocean Life Education program

Enhance your Science Week activities

Future Earth 2017 posterThe 2017 National Science Week teacher resource book is full of great activities on Australia’s sustainability science. Many of these activities align with our live marine animal incursions – no matter your year level, we have you covered!

Book in now for Science Week

Add a deeper dimension to student learning during this Science Week, 12-20 August and book a live marine animal incursion with Ocean Life Education.

Contact us to book your incursion today.




Science Week – are you ready?

science week ocean life

National Science Week is almost here, 13-21 August, and provides students the opportunity to engage with science in a fun and unique way.

At Ocean Life Education we make understanding animals and their natural environment simple and easy to remember. We love empowering students and encouraging them to dig deeper in search for answers.

We strive to provide an invaluable experience propelling the school kids of today into the scientists of tomorrow.

Host a Science Week Ocean Life incursion

Life within the ocean is one of the greatest wonders of the world and what better way to celebrate Science Week than getting up close and personal with live marine life – from the spiky and slimy to beautiful and wonderful – our creatures are all fascinating to learn about.

We look forward to visiting the Year 1 students at Moggill State School and Year 4 students at Clayfield College during Science Week as well as the many early learning centres ready to discover the ocean.

We encourage you and your school to jump on board and enlighten your students towards a brighter scientific future.

Book a science incursion with our live marine animals today.

Get involved

A National Science Week event should:

  • be fun for the participants
  • be focused on quality science outcomes
  • be supportive of your science curriculum
  • encourage the participants to want to try more science
  • raise the general profile of science within the community

For great conversation, videos and more, visit the National Science Week website.

Our Ocean Life programs

Our fun and interactive programs cover topics such as plastic pollution, climate change, human impact issues, classification, conservation and life cycles to name a few.

Check out our range of curriculum-linked School Program incursions or let us tailor a program to suit your current unit theme.

To book your Science Week Ocean Life incursion, contact us today (spaces are limited)!

World Oceans Day a good reminder

world oceans day title

This year, 8 June marks World Oceans Day – a global day for celebrating our oceans which make up 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface and are home to a vast array of complex ecosystems.

The ocean is the heart of our planet. Like your heart pumping blood to every part of your body, the ocean connects people across the Earth, no matter where we live. The ocean regulates the climate, feeds millions of people every year, produces most of the oxygen we breathe, is the home to an incredible array of wildlife, provides us with important medicines, and so much more! In order to ensure the health and safety of our communities and future generations, it’s imperative that we take the responsibility to care for the ocean as it cares for us.” –

This year’s World Oceans Day theme is “Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet” and individuals across the planet are taking action for prevention of plastic pollution in our ocean.

The problem with plastic

Plastic pollution is a serious threat to both our oceans and our future. Plastic degrades very slowly, polluting waterways for a very long time with some plastics never being recovered because they eventually brake down into micro plastics.

Once plastic starts to break down into tiny pieces, it then impacts the health of our aquatic animals as they mistake microbeads for food and so begins its cycle through the food chain – you and I not excluded.

micro plastics

For these reasons, plastic pollution is an important message that we aim to deliver in most of our programs – including the Ocean Life Discovery for early learners and in particular, the Human Impact: The Earth Under Threat program for schools and vacation care students.

At Ocean Life Education, we celebrate our oceans and the animals that live within them every day.

We love taking our ocean creatures to visit young children and school students to learn about the amazing creatures that live in our oceans and waterways and why it’s important to protect those environments.

world oceans day kids

Ocean Life Discovery Program at New Leaf Early Learning Centre Forest Glen

What can you do?

You can celebrate the ocean every day too by thinking about how you can lessen your impact:

  • Think about what you put down your sink – it all ends up somewhere! Start using Earth-friendly or natural products in your home.
  • Pick up rubbish from the beach on your next walk, don’t just walk passed it and hope someone else will. If we all just took 3 items…
  • Educate your children. Talk about the ocean, the animals that live and depend on it. Take them to the beach, your local river or go snorkelling. Share the wonder and inspire them to learn more.

Want us to come and deliver a fun and educational workshop at your centre or school? Contact us today!